Friday 4 July 2014

New blogsite RE travels

Please also visit my travel blog on :-


Sooo what to do now....

So, because i loved my travelling that i did last year ......

I decided that it is something i would love to share with my boyfriend of 18months so we went ahead and booked a trip of a lifetime with STA travel.

It has been hard going organisationally speaking but i'm positive it will be worth it in the end !!!

Going to create another blog specifically for our adventure so don't forget to follow that too !!!


Sophie (&Luke)


Last of the final year show photos !!

More images from the final year show !!

Terrace area and upstairs corridor - The upstairs corridor includes the fireplace that runs straight upto the ceiling and over the walkway to include a closed area that separates the coffee area and toilets/restaurant.

Plans with dimensions
Meeting rooms uses Ching's theory of low ceiling to create cosy atmosphere below , creates a more private feel.
Cigar room uses on trend theme of space - mural on the wall. Small balcony areas for fresh air. The cigar room uses air flow system.
Coffee area has screen with painted mural.
Elevations and plan

Images from the final year show !!

My business cards , in bags with donuts :) !! The sample board, the in situ model to show the effects of blingcrete and visitor's book !! ( Someone wrote in my visitor's book that i should be very proud of what i have achieved in this project and it was very interesting- thanks !!) 

An axonometric drawing of the barn , converted into a private airport.
Activity pods - pods made from blingcrete material which reflects the light back to it's original source !! Inside are manicure pods and pods for private meetings!!
Bar / lounge areas- To the front of the barn, this will be where customers eat the restaurants food or sit and relax with a drink, to enjoy the views. 

University is over , time for reality

Hey to everyone out there that follows my blog !!

Sorry i haven't written in a while but due to Uni and work , i didn't really have the time. But now im here and all yours !!

So.... the final show , my chance to exhibit my final year work and chance to hand out some business cards.
Overall, i was happy with the result and my work, i would LOVE to work in restoration as i loved researching and gaining better knowledge on methods. I was a bit nervous in my interview and did trip up on a few details but i'm hoping they put that down to the nerves !!!

Please enjoy my photos as much as i enjoyed doing this project , i tried to use more personal drawings and methods of communication. I used technical drawings and promarker drawings to translate my ideas as i felt this was a more traditional way , which suited my theme for my project.

Thanks for looking....

Thursday 7 March 2013

New website !!! - the student hub for Teesside Uni students to be in touch with potential employers!!

Come look at our website -

The new student hub to link Teesside University students of Interior Architects and Interior Design. Upload your portfolio today and let the potential employers see your work first hand!!! We also have tips on cvs and portfoilios !! Why dont you have a look for yourself ???