Friday 4 July 2014

University is over , time for reality

Hey to everyone out there that follows my blog !!

Sorry i haven't written in a while but due to Uni and work , i didn't really have the time. But now im here and all yours !!

So.... the final show , my chance to exhibit my final year work and chance to hand out some business cards.
Overall, i was happy with the result and my work, i would LOVE to work in restoration as i loved researching and gaining better knowledge on methods. I was a bit nervous in my interview and did trip up on a few details but i'm hoping they put that down to the nerves !!!

Please enjoy my photos as much as i enjoyed doing this project , i tried to use more personal drawings and methods of communication. I used technical drawings and promarker drawings to translate my ideas as i felt this was a more traditional way , which suited my theme for my project.

Thanks for looking....

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